Bamboo Shark
Chiloscyllium greeni (Cappetta)

Age - Cretaceous  Commonality - Very uncommon - Scarce

 The teeth of Chiloscyllium greeni are small, reaching a maximum length of  under 2 mm (.08th of an inch). The crown is smooth with a pair of lateral cusplets, the bottom of the root is triangular with a medial nutrient pore. A distinct nutrient pore is present on each side when viewed on profile. To date, I've only found one complete specimen. The crown of these little guys is very flat looking, making this a relatively easy tooth to identify. 



Chiloscyllium greeni


Plate I.

Chiloscyllium greeni
This example is just under 1mm  wide but is the only complete
tooth I've collected.


A distinct nutrient pore is present on each side when viewed on profile.



Three Chiloscyllium greeni  teeth on a US dime.

The date on a US dime is only about 3 mm.

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